Logistics article(s)
March 24, 2020

DHL Global Forwarding announced it is declaring force majeure for its air and ocean shipments amid disruptions caused by the ongoing coronavirus outbreak which is beyond its control. 


Force Majeure is an outside event that is beyond the reasonable control of the affected party (ies), is unforeseeable and prevents performance by the affected party.


In the case of the COVID-19 outbreak, DHL said a carrier can be relieved of performance if the inability to perform is caused by consequences of the virus.


Sought for details, a DHL spokesperson told Asia Cargo News that Deutsche Post DHL Group follows a holistic management process that enables its business units to ensure the best possible operations for our customers even in an emergency, with the help of so-called business continuity planning.


"With almost all elements of the air and ocean supply chain on certain trade lanes currently being impossible to predict or control, DHL Global Forwarding decided to declare ‘Force Majeure’ and to reserve the right to modify its services to the prevailing circumstances consequent to the virus," the spokesperson said in a statement.


DHL noted, however, that it will "continuously review this position as the situation is very fluid for the industry at the moment."


"DHL Global Forwarding continues to provide extensive transport services and is tirelessly assisting customers in keeping their supply chains up and running," it added.

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