October 13, 2017

International Container Terminal Services, Inc. has posted record productivity for August and September 2017 at its flagship Manila International Container Terminal, with an increase of 22% and 13% respectively.


According to ICTSI, it further improved existing employee motivation and care programme to include citations for its most productive equipment operators.


Self Photos / Files - ICTSI workers“Management acknowledges the excellent work our prime mover, quay crane, rubber tired gantry, and stacker operators have put in to reach high berth productivity,” said Jay Valdez, operations director of MICT. “As early as 2000, we have been rewarding our operators and, as a result, ICTSI enjoys a very low turnover rate. Every time we meet our monthly target, we give special citations to the 10 most productive operators per equipment category, a simple way to thank them for their hard work and dedication to ensuring MICT operates with maximum efficiency.  More importantly, these individuals serve as role models for their colleagues to emulate.”


Christian Gonzalez, senior vice president of ICTSI and head of Asia Pacific and MICT, said that ICTSI remains committed to the safety and welfare of all its equipment operators.


“They put themselves at risk operating these massive machines, and it is but proper that we look after their safety and welfare,” he said. “More than the recognition, we make our equipment operators realize that they are key in driving the Philippine economy. ICTSI management and labour work hand-in-hand in helping this country grow further.  We also cascade the same labour strategies and share the same global standards and best practices to our global portfolio of 31 terminals in 18 countries. These have made ICTSI a major global player in the port sector.”


ICTSI’s subsidiaries regularly send manpower to other terminals within the group for training, secondment and other assignments overseas.  This practice allows the group to share best practices and improve the technical skills of their employees.


“One of ICTSI’s core strengths is a highly capable manpower,” said Gonzalez. “It’s really the key to the way we operate all of our terminal concessions worldwide. We start by bringing people in from our headquarters in Manila to jumpstart operations and train the locals who will eventually take over once everything is in place. But at the end, our goal is for each of our terminals to be run by 100% local manpower.”