May 22, 2020

Port Everglades in Florida said it will pursue its US$1.6 billion infrastructure investment despite the coronavirus to deepen and widen its channels, build an international logistics center and for its berth expansion  the largest infrastructure project undertaken by the port.


The US$1.6 billion in infrastructure improvements is expected to be completed in the next five years.


“The COVID-19 pandemic is certainly impacting this year’s bottom line, but we are fortunate that Port Everglades’ diversified business sectors of cargo, cruise and petroleum can address a dip in one business sector and be balanced out with stability in other revenue-generating business sectors. As a result, Port Everglades has a history of financial success and has budgeted for several sizeable construction projects that are moving forward at a rapid pace with little disruption from the virus,” said Glenn Wiltshire,  Port Everglades’ acting chief executive & port director.


The port said its US$471 million berth expansion is the largest infrastructure project in its history which will add new cargo berths by lengthening the Port’s existing turn-around area from 900 feet to 2,400 feet. Part of this effort includes installing crane rail infrastructure for new Super Post-Panamax container gantry cranes.


The preconstruction engineering and design phase of deepening the Port’s navigation channels from 42 feet to 48-50 feet and widening narrower sections of the channel for safe vessel passage is also underway.


Port Everglades said in a statement that the Intracoastal Waterway can be widened by 250 feet. Currently, it noted that this chokepoint in the channel puts operating restriction on large Neo-Panamax cargo ships, which affects their ability to transit past docked cruise ships. 


The Port will also be investing in building a new logistics center — to be constructed on 16.657 acres of port property — scheduled to be completed by June 2020, and the northernmost building for September 2020.


The project will contain warehouse, refrigerated warehouse, office space, and cross-docking facilities, which will enhance the services available to shippers using Port Everglades. A portion of the logistics center will also be activated as a Foreign-Trade Zone. 


New port director announced


Meanwhile, Jonathan Daniels, the new Port Everglades director will take over in June 29, 2020. Daniels comes to Port Everglades from the Port of Gulfport, Mississippi where he has been the executive director since 2013.


Port Everglades is a global gateway for cargo, cruise and petroleum.