September 24, 2020 (17)

Port of Antwerp is taking the next step in the development of a digitally secured port.


The port, which is one of Europe's busiest gateway, said it will implement a so-called "Certified Pick up" in its port starting January 2021, a digital, secure and integrated solution for the release of containers, that will replace the current system of PIN codes.


The port said this new way of working will guarantee a secure, transparent and optimised release process for incoming containers, which will then leave the port by rail, barge or truck.

More secure process


To pick up a container at a terminal in the port, a unique PIN code is needed nowadays, which is seen by various parties to increase the risk of abuse.


"To make this process more secure and efficient, a new process for the release of containers, referred to as “Certified Pick up” (CPu), comes into force on January 1st 2021. CPu is a neutral, central data platform which connects all stakeholders involved in the container import process," it said.


The CPu platform receives and processes container information to generate an encrypted digital key, with which the eventual carrier can pick up the container. This digital key is only created when the final carrier is known. The process makes the time for the collection of the container minimal.


The port said this system will also allow parties to trace which parties were involved in the collection of the container. 


In the longer term, the CPu platform according to the port should allow the digital key to be completely eliminated. 


“As a port, we take our social responsibility with this initiative. I welcome the fact that the port community is helping to further secure the logistics chain. With the digital code system, we are making it much more difficult for the drug mafia to gain access to the containers at the terminals,” said Port Alderman Annick De Ridder.


Bernard Moyson, Chairman of Alfaport-Voka: “We are pleased that this project focuses on a faster, safer and more efficient release of containers. A collective approach is the only way forward to meet security challenges. The fact that we have reached a constructive compromise on this initiative proves once again the strength and resilience of the port community in Antwerp. ”

Port of Antwerp CEO Jacques Vandermeiren: “This is a story of co-creation with the aim of marketing the port of Antwerp even better as a high-performance digital port. We set up a port-wide consultation structure, which monitors the project and adjusts it if necessary."