September 8, 2021
Peter Sand

Ocean and air freight rate benchmarking, market analytics platform and container shipping index firm, Xeneta, has announced the appointment of Peter Sand as Chief Analyst.


Peter Sand previously served as one of the shipping industry’s analysts at Bimco where he worked for over a decade.


At Xeneta, Sand will be responsible for delivering expert insights for both ocean container and air freight.


Xeneta said Sand is set to begin his role on November 1.


“We are excited to welcome a seasoned professional like Peter Sand who has extensive knowledge and successful track record in the shipping and logistics industry,” said Xeneta CEO Patrik Berglund.


“Peter is a staple in the market who consistently gives a fresh and global outlook into the ins and outs of the ever-changing container shipping world. His extremely well thought-through market commentaries and expert insights will serve to further position Xeneta data as the go-to-source for accurate container rate information,” he added.


Prior to Sand’s Chief Shipping Analyst role at BIMCO, he worked with D/S NORDEN, a Danish shipping company operating in the dry cargo and tanker segments worldwide, as a Senior Analyst.


“This is an exciting time to be joining a pioneer-leading company and I am fortunate to become a part of the Xeneta team at a time where the company is experiencing growth and momentum,” said Sand.


“Xeneta’s groundbreaking freight rate data insights addresses industry pain points and I am eager to leverage my shipping and logistics expertise to help navigate such an unprecedented time that our sector is facing,” he added.