March 13, 2024

Etihad Cargo is enhancing its charter service capabilities through a new partnership with air cargo software developer Awery, Awery Aviation Software. 


The carrier said this collaboration marks a pivotal step in its efforts to meet the growing demand for charter services, spurred by the global surge in e-commerce, which has seen the carrier receive a 35% increase in charter requests.


"As part of this strategic initiative, Etihad Cargo has implemented a customised version of Awery's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to manage its Cargo Chartering Programme," the announcement said.


It added that this solution will enable Etihad to streamline operations, improve response times, and deliver superior customer service.


Etihad Cargo and Awery have collaborated to tailor the solution to meet the carrier's unique requirements and seamlessly integrate the ERP system with Etihad Cargo's current processes.


The Awery ERP system will allow Etihad Cargo to classify and prioritise charter queries, improve analytics and data storage for performance evaluation, and enhance pricing capabilities by providing access to historical data for better decision-making. 


"Customers will be able to accept quotes and book directly via a single click or reject them, with the option to provide a reason for why the quote has not been accepted," the announcement said.


It added that through the easy retrieval of comparable past quotes, Etihad Cargo has improved its capabilities to set competitive pricing and ensure consistent pricing while offering faster response times.


"Etihad Cargo is committed to developing and adopting innovative digital tools that benefit partners and customers," said Stanislas Brun, vice president of Cargo at Etihad Cargo.


"In 2023, Etihad Cargo operated 262 charters, which is a 23% increase compared to the previous year."


"The tailored Awery ERP system will enable the carrier to meet the increasing demand for charter services in the market and improve operational efficiency and customer service," Brun added, noting that in managing charter enquiries more efficiently, Etihad Cargo will provide faster response times and attractive offers. 


"This strategic move is poised to set a new standard in cargo charter services, emphasising Etihad Cargo's position as a forward-thinking and customer-centric organisation," the Etihad Cargo executive said.


The implementation of the tailored ERP system is the latest step in Etihad Cargo's digitalisation journey, which has seen the carrier continuously enhance its online booking portal, introduce artificial intelligence-driven tools to optimise operations and boost capacity and co-develop a sales optimisation tool that has added value to partnerships. 


Etihad Cargo said it is committed to leveraging technology to enhance customer service and remain the air cargo partner of choice.