National same-day courier service, Speedy Freight, has announced its status as a certified carbon neutral business, in partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain.


The dedicated 24-hour same-day UK & EU courier provider, Speedy Freight, said the scope of the Carbon Neutral certification includes its office spaces across the entire franchised network, commuting practices and its owned courier fleet.


It said that through the Carbon Neutral Britain Climate Fund, Speedy Freight is offsetting its carbon emissions through internationally certified carbon offsetting projects. The projects have been selected based on their direct and indirect impact around the world.


The certification is measured through the three largest, and most regulated offsetting standards in the world.


These include the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER), and Certified Emission Reductions (CER) programs.  


Speedy Freight noted that certification is awarded following calculation using the ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol Emissions Standard principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency and accuracy. 


It added that the Carbon Neutral certification is just the latest step Speedy Freight has taken to reduce its environmental impact.


"We are delighted to announce we are now a certified Carbon Neutral Business. Speedy Freight recognises the importance of environmental protection and is committed to operating responsibly," said Shaun Sidley, HSQE manager at Speedy Freight.


"We are constantly endeavouring to optimise our operational efficiency; help reduce energy consumption emissions and waste through technical improvements and the implementation of better working practices."