The International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) has elected Gene Seroka, executive director of the Port of Los Angeles (Port of LA), as vice president of the North American region. 


In the announcement, the port said Seroka will continue his current duties as head of the US’ busiest port while working with the IAPH in the volunteer role. 


He begins his duties this week at the conclusion of the World Ports 2023 conference in the United Arab Emirates.

IAPH is a non-governmental organization headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Over the past six decades, IAPH has developed into a global alliance of ports, representing today some 177 ports and 147 port-related businesses in 84 countries. 


Its member ports together handle well over 60% of the world’s seaborne trade and more than 60% of the world container traffic.


“Throughout his career, Gene Seroka has shown incredible leadership and a strong commitment to helping address the critical issues facing ports around the globe,” said Masahiko Furuichi, secretary general of IAPH. “We are honored to have his expertise and depth of experience as we navigate these issues and search for collaborative solutions with our IAPH members.”


Seroka, for his part, welcomed his new role. “I am humbled and deeply grateful to my colleagues for electing me to this position.”


“Global collaboration and communication are essential if we are to solve the enormous challenges facing our industry, many of which extend beyond borders and require international cooperation. Under the visionary leadership of incoming IAPH President Jens Meir, CEO of the Hamburg Port Authority, I believe that IAPH can be the driving force for helping achieve meaningful gains on pressing port industry issues, like sustainability, workforce development and innovation.”


Under Seroka’s leadership, the Port of Los Angeles has been at the forefront of efforts to decarbonize shipping, reduce air pollution and minimize the port industry's overall environmental footprint. 


The Port is currently working with partners around the world to establish Green Shipping Corridors to accelerate emissions reductions along major shipping routes, and to step up the use of cleaner fuels and transportation technologies.


“The urgency of the issues facing ports today are unprecedented,” Seroka said. “I believe IAPH is an ideal venue for facilitating collaboration, problem solving and best practice sharing within the port industry.”   


The IAPH Board is comprised of a president and six vice presidents, with each vice president elected to represent a region of the globe. 


Seroka will represent the North American region on the Board, which is charged with establishing IAPH’s governing principles and decision making regarding its operation, financing and structure.