February 22, 2019

Worldwide Flight Services has promoted two senior executives in the Americas to new leadership roles.


Mike Duffy has been appointed as executive vice president of innovation, effective April 2019, and Mike Simpson will become executive vice president of the Americas from March 1, 2019. Both will report to Craig Smyth, CEO of WFS.


Duffy will use his cargo and ground-handling expertise and industry network to establish new ways of working, identifying and sharing best practice from across the business, as well as taking advantage of new technologies. He will work across all WFS regions and functions with the single objective of using innovation to make the business better.


Simpson has been CFO of the Americas for the past three years and has a strong financial track record across many different industries.


“Driving innovation across our global business is one of our strategic priorities and in Mike Duffy we have the perfect person in our leadership team to bring great knowledge and inspiration to this role,” said Smyth. “This also creates the opportunity to give Mike Simpson a very well-earned promotion to lead our growing Americas operations to the next level. I am confident they will enjoy great success in their new roles and produce significant benefits for our business.”