October 17, 2022

Edmonton Airports announced that it has selected Myron Keehn as its new chief executive officer to replace current CEO Tom Ruth who is set to retire at the end of December.

Joan Hertz, board chair, made the announcement, noting that the search was made not only locally and from Alberta, but from across Canada and around the world.


The major gateway noted that this reflects Edmonton Airports' growing reputation as an innovative, world-leading airport with ambitious plans for attracting more flights, driving economic growth, and leading in future sustainability goals.


"We searched the world and found the best candidate, right here at home. This is a testament to Tom Ruth's leadership in building a strong team along with a compelling vision and a great community. We're excited to have Myron step into the CEO role and build on the foundation that's in place now," Hertz said.


Keehn currently serves as vice president, air service, business development, ESG and stakeholder relations.


In his 15 years with Edmonton Airports, the airport noted that Keehn led many of the innovative developments at the airport including the creation of the Airport Sustainability Campus vision – an integrated ecosystem to foster innovation, attract investment and create jobs, all with an ESG (environmental, social and governance practices) and DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) focus.


In the last nine years, Keehn, in close coordination with all EIA departments, led the attraction of over US$1.5 billion in private investment to Edmonton Airports and positioned Edmonton Airports as a global airport leader in ESG and innovation, with initiatives such as signing the Amazon Climate Pledge, leading in the adoption of hydrogen, the soon to be built world's largest airport-based solar farm, and using drones for runway inspection and commercial cargo delivery.


Cargo focus cited


He also led the development of the Regional Air Service Opportunity Fund – a cooperative effort among most of the region's 13 municipalities to drive cargo growth and increase air service.


"Cargo has been a major focus for Myron and this past July, the Federal Government announced a US$100M investment in Edmonton International Airport's International Cargo Hub, a 2,000-acre multi-modal global logistics and handling operation," the announcement said.


It added that Keehn's leadership was instrumental in all these initiatives.


Keehn, for his part, expressed optimism for his new role and signalled push to make Edmonton a leading aviation and business hub.


"I'm thrilled the board of directors has put their confidence in me and chosen me as Edmonton Airports' next CEO. This is the opportunity of a lifetime to lead such an amazing organization with a fantastic team and so many bold plans and ideas for the future ... I look forward not only to continuing the direction that's been set but also seizing every opportunity ahead to make this airport one of the leading aviation and business hubs in the world," he said.


Keehn will officially become the new CEO on January 1, 2023. In the meantime, Ruth will continue in his role as CEO, providing guidance and assistance throughout the transition.