June 16, 2016

SHANGHAI (June 15) – Cargolux has launched CV select and CV select+, its new products designed for the transportation of time-sensitive cargo.


“They are two products which are independent of the type of the goods,” said Dirk Reich, president and CEO of Cargolux. “With CV select, you get a place guaranteed on the aircraft. Even if it’s full, we’ll make sure that you fly. It has a special price, but some people cannot wait for the next flight.”


CV select+ adds to CV select by offering a cut-off time of 30 minutes before departure, the shortest of any carrier, according to Reich.


“This is the advantage of having a cargo airline,” he said. “We can wait for 15 or 30 minutes. We don’t have 400 passengers who yell because we have to wait for cargo. So if there are emergency shipments that need to catch a flight, you can deliver 30 minutes before departure and we will still fly it. In the worst case, we will delay the aircraft.”


The two new products have been implemented in Luxembourg, with Zhengzhou and the rest of the network to follow, according to Reich.