Cathay Cargo has cited its ongoing efforts to boost its air freight services further and Hong Kong's number-one global cargo hub status.


Tom Owen, director of cargo at Cathay, said the Hong Kong-headquartered carrier also recently launched a brand new campaign, "We Know How", to drum up the airline's expertise and quality in air cargo transport.


"The 'We Know How' tagline of our campaign speaks to this expertise and quality. We hope the new video and print ads shine a light on our role as a specialist cargo airline that is a conduit for global trade and supply chains and that carries shipments that matter to the world," he said.


During the official launch of Cathay Cargo's first brand campaign last month at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), the carrier also received the first of its Boeing 747 freighters with the new Cathay Cargo livery.


Three-Runway System to boost air cargo


Owen said this outlines Cathay Cargo's "accomplishments through the pandemic to now, and to highlight the ongoing investments in our solutions, digitalisation and training that underpin our industry-leading service levels."


"These, combined with our fleet, the rebuilding of our global passenger network and Hong Kong's logistics capabilities, will ensure we maintain our market-leading cargo carrier status and Hong Kong's number-one cargo hub position," the Cathay executive added.

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 [Source: Cathay Cargo]


Owen acknowledged that Hong Kong needs to step up its efforts to be able to maintain its cargo hub status following the disruptions brought by the Covid-19 pandemic.


"We don't take this for granted," Owen said. "We know we need to fight to keep our number one status as other hubs compete for the air cargo that has traditionally moved to and through Hong Kong."


The Cathay Cargo executive noted that the Three-Runway System at HKIA, which will be fully operational at the end of 2024, will provide a strong platform for future air cargo growth.


Owen also highlighted other efforts of the airline to stimulate air cargo, including investments in technology and innovation — ensuring that Cathay Cargo's processes and solutions are "leading the market in implementing technology-led industry standards."


The Cathay executive went on to note that the airline has also now invested in its brand with the launch of the 'We Know How' campaign to be able to tell its story and play its part in maintaining Hong Kong's premier global status. 


Cautiously optimistic for Q3, Q4 demand recovery


Meanwhile, Owen issued mixed signals in terms of volume recovery moving into the third and fourth quarters of the year — but noted an expected boost from e-commerce and sensitive cargo.


"As for the cargo market itself, it is for now quiet," Owen said. "This is normal for this time of year, but we have continued to keep our volumes respectable, helped in part by e-commerce shipments."


He added that the cargo carrier has also been helped by the recovery in the global passenger network, which has resulted in an increase in the number of aircraft engine shipments coming to Hong Kong for overhaul, boosting Cathay Cargo volumes of handling-sensitive cargo.


Owen said the Cathay Pacific network is also rebuilding at pace with increased passenger frequencies to Toronto, Los Angeles, Frankfurt and Amsterdam, and the return of Johannesburg on August 1.


The airline also continues to show flexibility on its freighter schedule with recent changes adding capacity to Toronto and Miami.


"We remain cautiously optimistic that demand will see some improvement in Q3 and Q4," Owen added. "Ongoing e-commerce volumes are expected to remain steady while an easing of high inventory levels, holiday events, and new product launches will add volume and may act as stimuli for the traditional peak season."