Amazon has recently announced an end-to-end, fully automated set of supply chain services.


The e-commerce giant said the new service — Supply Chain by Amazon — will provide sellers with a complete solution to quickly and reliably move products directly from their manufacturers to customers around the world.


"Supply Chain by Amazon enables sellers to benefit from Amazon's advanced logistics, fulfilment, and transportation capabilities to keep products in stock, ship faster and more reliably, and significantly lower costs," it said in the announcement.


Amazon noted that with the service, it will pick up inventory from manufacturing facilities around the world, ship it across borders, handle customs clearance and ground transportation, store inventory in bulk, manage replenishment across Amazon and other sales channels, and deliver directly to customers.


Amazon outlined key benefits of the Supply Chain by Amazon which include automatic cross-border discounts for Amazon Global Logistics (AGL); streamlined domestic inbound transportation to AWD with the Partnered Carrier Program (PCP); an expanded AWD offering with reduced prices; a new Multi-Channel Distribution (MCD) capability; and an automatic inventory replenishment with FBA.


Dharmesh Mehta, Amazon vice president of WW Selling Partner Services, said with Supply Chain by Amazon, the company will pick up sellers' inventory directly from their factory and manage the supply chain logistics through delivery to customers' doorsteps.


He added that sellers will be able to offload even more of the complexity of their supply chain logistics to Amazon, both for the products they sell in Amazon's store and through other sales channels, including online and physical store locations.