Munich Airport said its air cargo volumes last year registered growth unlike other major German air freight locations.


The airport also recorded a positive annual result (EAT) of €25 million for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic.


Munich Airport registered growth in air freight in 2023. In a statement, it said that over 284,000 tons of freight were loaded and unloaded, an increase of 6.6% compared to the year prior.


Meanwhile, the gateway is now back in the black, mainly due to a "significant" 17% passenger growth in 2023.


Revenue increased to approximately €1.4 billion for the period. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) moved back into the positive range for the first time since 2019 at €115 million.


Meanwhile, the number of take-offs and landings rose by 6% to approximately 302,000 aircraft movements.


"The continued high demand for air travel, new airlines, and the expansion of our route network have further reinforced Munich Airport's position as a European premium hub," said Jost Lammers, Munich Airport's CEO.


He noted that long-haul flights, which increased by 31%, were once again the most important growth driver in 2023.


In terms of climate protection, the company set a new target at the end of 2023: By 2035, at least 90% of the CO2 emissions attributable to the airport will be reduced.


The remaining maximum of 10% must be physically removed from the atmosphere. 


"In 2023, we consistently invested in our personnel, in the quality and digitalization of our processes, and in our infrastructure. And we have set out to achieve the ‘Net Zero’ target as early as 2035 with our ambitious climate strategy," Lammers said.