Airbus and the Airports Council International (ACI) World have signed a cooperation agreement to support the industry's efforts to reduce aviation's environmental impact.


The companies seek to leverage the strengths of one of the world's leading aircraft manufacturers and the largest international association of airports to make significant progress in both decarbonising aviation and mitigating aircraft noise impact.

"This alliance will address key areas including Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), hydrogen technologies, advanced air mobility, operations efficiency, and aircraft noise management practices," the announcement said.


It added that the deal will also foster the exchange of information and perspectives on low-carbon operations, communicate industry progress, jointly develop guidance materials, and potentially formulate unified positions on policies and standards to achieve the industry targets. 

"This partnership marks a significant step in our collective efforts to reduce aviation's environmental impact," said Julie Kitcher, chief sustainability officer at Airbus.


"By combining our technological expertise with ACI World's vast network and operational insights, we aim to influence policies and standards that support sustainable aviation and drive industry-wide innovation," she added, noting that together, Airbus and ACI World can create a "cohesive and aligned approach to achieving our decarbonisation targets and enhancing the sustainability of the global aviation sector."


Luis Felipe de Oliveira, director-general and CEO of ACI World said Airbus and ACI World's cooperation agreement is a pivotal step towards a net-zero carbon aviation industry.


"This strategic alliance underscores the unwavering commitment of airports worldwide to sustainable aviation, ensuring that we not only reduce our environmental impact but also maximise the socio-economic benefits of air travel," he said.


By focusing on key areas such as Sustainable Aviation Fuels, hydrogen technologies, advanced air mobility, operational efficiency, and aircraft noise management, we are setting new benchmarks for sustainability in aviation and paving the way for a greener future," de Oliveira added.