Shipping article(s)
April 17, 2020 (1)

Port of Antwerp is teaming up with the tech company, Rombit, to prevent the coronavirus infection on its work floor by testing a digital bracelet that ensures social distancing and permits contact tracing.


Rombit developed the "Romware Covid Radius" bracelet and the Port of Antwerp will be the first to use the innovative wearable.


Antwerp Port Authority is first to test

To produce this armband Rombit has added new functions to its existing safety bracelet, the Romware ONE. This will help employees to observe the strict precautions laid down by the World Health Organisation (WHO) while respecting the privacy of the wearer.


In a statement, Port of Antwerp said the initiative is a response to the call by the Flemish Government to create digital solutions for helping society through the current corona crisis.


Port of Antwerp, which recently introduced a project with the Romware ONE safety bracelet, will be the first to make use of the Covid functions.


Social distancing and contact tracing


"The new Covid bracelet is aimed in the first place at social distancing. Whenever employees come too close to one another they first get a warning signal," it said, noting, however, that privacy is guaranteed since the bracelet never passes on the location or other sensitive information to the employer.


The anti-Covid 19 wearable also permits contact tracing meaning, if someone happens to be infected then a health advisor or trusted confidant can check which work colleagues the person has come in contact with, in order to prevent further infection.

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