Hapag-Lloyd said it was able to reduce its CO2 emissions by 50% per TEU/km last year due to a mix of initiatives it implemented including successful conversion of its fleet to low-sulphur fuel.
“Sustainability is more than just climate protection, as it also comprises ecological, economic, social and qualitative concerns in equal measure. In 2019, we succeeded in making a lot of progress in all four dimensions. For example, we furthered reduced our specific CO2 emissions, strengthened our social commitment and made huge investments in the quality of our service,” said Rolf Habben Jansen, CEO, Hapag-Lloyd.
The German shipping major said in its 2019 sustainability report that the significant reductions in CO2 emissions per container transported were supported by a successful conversion of the vessel fleet to operate using low-sulphur fuel oil, and considerable improvements in quality.
Improvements in all sustainability dimensions
“Compared to the reference year 2008, we have succeeded in reducing our specific CO2 emissions – meaning CO2 emissions per TEU/kilometre – by 50%,” Hapag-Lloyd said.
Hapag-Lloyd said it got started with its planning early on and made the necessary conversions to its fleet in accordance with the new specifications on the maximum sulphur content of marine fuels issued by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
Since the beginning of the year, Hapag-Lloyd said approximately 95% of its vessels have been operating using low-sulphur fuel oils, which emit over 70% less sulphur oxides than the heavy fuel oil previously in use.
In the current year, Hapag-Lloyd will take more steps on the path towards the decarbonisation of ocean-going shipping.
The IMO has set ambitious milestones for 2030 and 2050, with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions by 40 and 50%, respectively, compared to 2008.
To help achieve these goals, Hapag-Lloyd said it will be the first shipping company in the world to start converting a large container ship to operate using a more climate-friendly liquid natural gas (LNG) propulsion system.
The conversion work is expected to commence in the fourth quarter of 2020. In addition, Hapag-Lloyd will continue to work on alternative fuel solutions.
“This year, as well – despite the adverse effects of the COVID-19 crisis – we will continue to focus on additional improvements, including technological and digital innovations as well as further reductions in the emissions of our fleet,” Jansen added.