Logistics article(s)
November 24, 2021
The Port of Los Angeles has issued a Request For Proposals (RFP) seeking one or more teams of trucking companies and truck manufacturers to demonstrate zero-emissions short-haul drayage trucks.
In a statement, it said the Port is offering up to US$300,000 per truck toward the cost of 10 zero-emissions trucks and related infrastructure, with US$3 million total in grant funding available. 
“This project represents the first in a series of financial incentives we will offer to accelerate the deployment of zero-emissions trucks,” said Port Executive Director Gene Seroka. “We’re eager to do our part and work with other public agencies and the trucking industry to expedite the turnover of the fleet.”
Proposals will be accepted through 3 p.m. on January 4, 2022.
Port of LA said the RFP directly supports the advancement of zero-emissions trucks to achieve the San Pedro Bay ports’ climate goals set forth in the 2017 Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP) Update.
CAAP goals include transitioning the full drayage fleet serving the port complex to zero-emissions trucks by 2035.
The port noted that more than one proposal may be awarded a grant and the project and incentives are subject to approval by the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners.
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