Shipping article(s)
September 4, 2023

Hutchison Ports said the short sea offering at its London Thamesport will be further enhanced with the launch of WEC Lines' transformative weekly 'Euro Maroc Service'.


The new service, commencing on September 19, 2023, will link the UK, France and Northern Europe to Casablanca, Morocco, replacing their existing NWC Iberia and MOPT services.


Mark Taylor, director of Hutchison Ports London Thamesport, said the new service will also provide an eco-friendly alternative to truck transport from West France to the UK.


"London Thamesport is well established as one of the leading short sea container ports in the Southeast of England, with a proven track record for excellent service delivery. We welcome WEC Lines' 'Euro Maroc Service' connecting Northwestern Europe via France to Morocco," he said.


"Departing twice weekly, Northbound and Southbound from Montoir on a Tuesday and arriving in London Thamesport on a Thursday, the new service will also provide an eco-friendly alternative to truck transport from West France to the UK, as well as boosting our short sea options," Taylor added, noting that the move is also another step along our journey to achieving a sustainable port and Net-zero by 2035.


The weekly 'Euro Maroc Service' will be operated by three 800 TEU vessels on a 21-day fixed-day rotation, with optimal short sea and hinterland connections.


The ports of call will include London Thamesport, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Montoir, Bilbao, Vigo, LeixÕes, Setubal, Casablanca, and Figueira da Foz, creating a vital connection between these key trade hubs.


Roger Megann, managing director of WEC Lines UK, for his part, said consolidating its services in Thamesport has allowed WEC to add a second weekly call from Bilbao and offer fast direct services from Montoir in France and Casablanca directly to Thamesport.


"We are proud to bring this new product to the market. We continue to listen and understand what our customers need from WEC Lines as we fine-tune our networks," Megann added.


"Our aim is to assist our clients in meeting their carbon reduction targets whilst working towards our own," he further said.

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