Logistics article(s)
August 8, 2024
Hong Kong freight forwarders are stepping up efforts to enhance freight and logistics connections between Hong Kong and Kazakhstan.
The Hong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics (HAFFA) said it has signed memorandums of understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan and KAZLOGISTICS, the Union of Transport and Logistics Organizations and Associations.
Self Photos / Files - Mission to Kazakhstan 06
 [Source: HAFFA]
"The partnerships aim to establish a cooperative framework to promote and enhance the freight and logistics sector between Kazakhstan and Hong Kong," HAFFA said in a statement.
HAFFA chairman Gary Lau said HAFFA is delighted to announce its cooperation with the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan and with KAZLOGISTICS. "We look forward to the many opportunities to collaborate ahead. As we work to enhance the coordination of logistics and transportation operations to increase cargo flow and develop opportunities on the international and multimodal transport corridors between Europe and Asia, HAFFA looks forward to the exchange of information and close cooperation as we work together to achieve a common goal."
The MoUs also include opportunities for trade promotion, problem-solving assistance, consultation services, sharing experiences and the organization of seminars and training programs.
Representing HAFFA in the week-long mission to Astana and Almaty, Lau also visited local logistics infrastructure projects and engaged with government officials and professionals from local chambers, trade associations and logistics companies to gain insights into the latest economic and logistics developments and business opportunities in Kazakhstan.
Lau of HAFFA signed the agreements with Maksat Kaliakparov, vice minister of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Тalgat Lessov, acting general director of KAZLOGISTICS, on August 7, 2024 and August 6, 2024, respectively.
The signings took place during the HKTDC Hong Kong Logistics Services Mission to Kazakhstan, which was held from August 5 to 11, 2024.
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