Savannah upgrading to forge closer ties with Asia
The Port of Savannah in the state of Georgia, which relies on traffic with Asia for much of its business, would like to...
New director is bullish on Port of Long Beach
Recently, Asia Cargo News met with Mario Cordero, executive director of California’s Port of Long Beach. Cordero joined...
Shippers seek long-term deals amid space crunch
Faced with tight air freight capacity and projections of ongoing – and possibly worsening – bottlenecks, shippers and...
IATA touts use of e-AWB at Air Cargo Day
Digitization of Asia-Pacific’s air cargo is progressing, but significant challenges need to be overcome in order for...
US inland barge rates soar in perfect storm
A perfect storm of adverse conditions has hampered shipping on a large section of the US inland waterways system and...
CN, Norfolk Southern shorten transit times
Norfolk Southern (NS) has teamed up with leading Canadian rail operator CN for a joint interline service that offers...
Malaysia touts plans for East Coast rail
Malaysia’s ambitious plans for an East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) might not be adding much to its freight network...
Speedy clearance creates counterfeit loopholes
Counterfeiters are exploiting sea freight loopholes to get potentially dangerous consumer goods onto the market,...
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