Etihad Cargo lists capacity on CargoWise platform
Etihad Cargo has partnered with WiseTech, allowing it to list its airfreight capacity on cloud-based digital air cargo...
HKIA 2 Hong Kong airport saw cargo inch up in March as imports rise
Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) saw its cargo volume sustain its rise in March as imports continued to grow, the...
Cathay says full freighter services to be gradually restored as HK's eases crew quarantine rules
Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific Cargo said the latest announcement of the government to ease the 21-day quarantine...
2020-services-enhancement ONE launches Green Strategy Department
Ocean Network Express (ONE) is pleased to announce that a new Green Strategy Department was launched under the...
ANA-Wingcopter ANA tests cargo drone for hard-to-reach deliveries
ANA Holdings is working with Wingcopter, a drone manufacturer, on a new aircraft as the number of unmanned aerial...
Georgia Ports Port of Savannah handled record volume in March
The Port of Savannah handled an all-time record of nearly 500,000 twenty-foot equivalent container units in March, an...
Frankfurt Airport saw cargo volumes continue to expand in March
Frankfurt Airport said cargo volumes in March continues to achieve strong growth – as its passenger traffic remains...
EUzT2DXUcAIYMX7 First marine biofuel trial in an ocean-going vessel in Singapore
Global resources company BHP, German shipping company Oldendorff Carriers, and advanced biofuels pioneer GoodFuels,...
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