July 29, 2016

China has ratified the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets, which establishes and governs the universal customs transit system for the carriage of goods across international borders.


The convention will enter into force on January 5, 2017.


“China’s accession to the TIR Convention will open new efficient and faster transport opportunities and transport routes between China and Europe,” said Christian Friis Bach, executive secretary of UNECE. “It can become a real game changer for international trade and is a strong contribution to the Chinese vision for ‘One Belt One Road.’ We warmly welcome China to the TIR Convention and look forward to working closely with China and all TIR contracting partners to turn this decision into strong opportunities for trade, transport and economic growth.”


According to the UNECE, the accession of China will facilitate trade with Central Asian countries, Mongolia and the EU, as well as stimulate China’s transit and logistics services, since China will be able to shift its export goods under a single, simplified transit procedure to EU countries for all modes of transport.


More than 1,200 Chinese road transport companies ship freight across China’s land borders, conducting more than 700,000 transit operations per year, according to the commission.


The number of contracting parties to the convention now stands at 70, including many of China’s neighbours such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia and Tajikistan.