October 19, 2016

Zurich Insurance has launched a solution in Hong Kong and Singapore which provides risk-assessment services and protects businesses against the risks associated with supply chain disruptions.


Called Zurich Supply Chain Insurance, the product is the first-of-its-kind in the Asia-Pacific region and is now available to qualified customers based in the two markets.


“Increasing globalisation, improved transport and logistics through to technological advancements have enabled companies to source materials from virtually anywhere in the world,” said Keith Thomas, chief executive officer of Zurich’s Global Corporate in Asia Pacific business unit. “While this provides increased flexibility and cost savings, it can also result in complex supply chains that are highly interconnected, more exposed and difficult to manage.”


According to Zurich, the new solution helps reduce supply chain failures and provides cover if delayed or undelivered supplies result in a financial impact on a company’s operations. Supply Chain Insurance consists of two components. In the first phase, risk engineers carry out a risk assessment to identify and evaluate customers’ exposure to critical risks throughout their supply chain, and recommend prioritized mitigation actions. In the second phase, the risk assessment is combined with other sources of data to underwrite and price the risk.


“Many organizations are not aware who their key suppliers are, especially in the lower levels of the supply chain, and very few have visibility over their entire supply chain,” said Hassan Karim, technical underwriting manager of Zurich Asia Pacific. “Half of supply chain disruptions occur beyond the preliminary supplier of goods, therefore making it extremely difficult to establish where an organization lies within its suppliers’ priorities.”


Karim added that it is essential to take a holistic approach and to identify critical supplies when working with customers to manage their exposures.


“Effective supply chain risk management can present significant benefits to businesses and is becoming an increasingly important driver of their profits,” he said. “Every customer’s supply chain is different so we work with them to shape the appropriate solution and offer an individually tailored policy to meet their specific needs.”


The Supply Chain Insurance solution has been available in Europe and North America for the past six years, according to Zurich.