September 13, 2018

LUG aircargo handling GmbH has reorganized its management in order to improve agility and responsiveness to challenges in the air cargo industry.


According to LUG, Patrik Tschirch is now MD and CEO. He leads the expanded LUG network and is responsible for the stations in Frankfurt/Main, Munich and Hamburg, as well as for the further development of the network. As a result, he has also assumed overall responsibility for sales and related areas at all three locations.


Nina Strippel, previously COO, now heads the management of the Frankfurt station. Christopher Frank heads the management of the station in Munich while Jürgen Vogt heads the management of the Hamburg station. All three report directly to Tschirch.


“I am convinced that there is a lot of potential in an even closer cooperation between the three LUG stations,” said Tschirch. “We want to offer airlines a one-stop service for professional air freight logistics with three stations in Germany. We have not yet leveraged all synergies and taken advantage of the increasing digitalization of our industry. The future belongs to network organizations with entrepreneurially independent units that respect the same values, principles and rules, and operate to equivalent standards. A selective expansion of services and optimization of infrastructure will further strengthen this network.”


LUG is currently extending its Health Care Center in Frankfurt by a further 190 square metres and is proceeding with attaining the Transported Asset Protection Association’s Level B certification for the Munich station, with both projects due to be completed by the end of 2018.