August 11, 2021

Hermes Logistics Technologies (HLT) has announced the appointment of Marcus Campbell as its new Chief Technology Officer (CTO) citing the firm's efforts to boost its digitalisation push. 


In a statement, it said Campbell brings over two decades of technology experience to the management role and has worked globally with leading companies including Sony, Oracle, Deloitte and Accenture, and has significant industry experience within telecoms, retail, fintech, insurance, and shipping industries.


He will be part of HLT’s new implementations and upgrade drive as HLT expands its software engineering internationally to support ongoing growth.


"The challenges of the last 18 months have put into sharp focus the need for the air cargo industry to implement digitalisation instead of only talking about it," HLT said in its announcement.


"We are pleased to be witnessing an uptick in tech adoption, and, beyond that, the growing understanding that there are new opportunities relating to machine learning, which will benefit us all and ensure a more efficient supply chain," it added.


Campbell replaces Alex Labonne in the role, who leaves a legacy at HLT for Marcus to build on including HLT’s New Generation ecosystem (Hermes NG).


"I am excited to join the Hermes technology team. I will make it our mission to accelerate our digital transformation and use technology innovation to deliver the next generation of cargo systems for our customers," the new CTO commented.


HLT said Campbell joins the firm as it completed back-to-back Hermes 5 (H5) virtual systems upgrades for customers including Menzies, dnata Amsterdam, and Frankfurt Cargo Services.


It noted that the H5 rollout is the first step for HLT's customers to adopt to its New Generation (NG) ecosystem (Hermes NG).


"Marcus will support the ongoing development of our Digital Ecosystem bringing a rich history of tech expertise," Yuval said. "We are focused on Next gen solutions for the supply chain and Marcus’ track record of developing and implementing new ideas will be invaluable as we move forward."