May 11, 2022

Kerry Logistics Network (Kerry Logistics) became the first logistics company to use electronic trucks (e-trucks) in Hong Kong as part of its efforts to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.


The Hong Kong-based Kerry began deploying 5.5-ton e-trucks in Hong Kong this month.


Kerry noted that it aims to maintain the resilience of its logistics network to climate change and to minimise its environmental footprint around the world and part of this commitment is enhancing operational efficiency by switching to renewable energy for road transportation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


"We are proud to be the first logistics company in Hong Kong to deploy e-trucks, which demonstrates our strategic focus on supporting cleaner and greener supply chain management. In order to future-proof our growth, Kerry Logistics Network is in the process of shifting to alternative fuel vehicles and phasing out vehicles with lower emissions standards on a trial basis," said William Ma, Group managing director of Kerry Logistics Network.


"As energy consumption accounts for most of the carbon emissions in our operations, we will continue to increase the use of renewable energy in the countries in which we operate, to create a value chain for sustainable business," Ma added.


Kerry Logistics' first electric vehicle was deployed in Singapore in the second quarter of 2021.


Meanwhile, the first hybrid electric vehicle was deployed in 2013.


Kerry said four electric vehicle charging stations were installed at the global headquarters in Hong Kong in the fourth quarter of 2021 to encourage the use of electric vehicles.