September 29, 2022

Asia Airfreight Terminal Co. Ltd. (AAT) became the first Cargo Terminal Operator in Hong Kong to secure the Centre of Excellence for Independent Validators Lithium Battery certification by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).


The CEIV Lithium Battery certification seeks to improve safety in the handling and transportation of lithium batteries alone or with finished products throughout the supply chain.

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 Source: Asia Airfreight Terminal

SATS also bags CEIV Lithium Battery Certification


AAT said in a statement that it achieved this milestone together with its parent company, Singapore-based ground handling and catering provider, SATS Ltd. (SATS).


"We are honoured that AAT is the first cargo terminal operator in Hong Kong to obtain IATA CEIV Li-batt certification. This clearly recognizes AAT's efforts and commitment to the highest service standards and operational excellence in handling lithium batteries," said Kuah Boon Kiam, chief executive officer, of AAT. 


"This certification highlights our capabilities to handle finished products or components with lithium batteries safely and reliably. It strengthens the confidence of our customers in our ability to handle all types of special cargo," he added.


AAT noted that as a Group, SATS is the first ground handling agent in the world to attain the IATA certification.


"We congratulate AAT on becoming one of the first ground handling companies to achieve CEIV Li-batt certification. Carrying products containing lithium batteries is a growing market for air cargo. Ensuring that these are flown safely and securely is critical," said Brendan Sullivan, IATA’s Global Head of Cargo.


"This new certification will give AAT's customers even more confidence that their consignments containing lithium batteries are being transported efficiently and reliably," he added.


Rogue lithium battery shipments that could endanger aircraft and passengers remain a pressing issue amid continued increases in air trade volumes.


AAT said as a key line of defence against such threats, the SATS Group mitigates risks by validating the compliance of regulations for dangerous goods consignments and storing them safely in a dedicated holding area.


"In AAT, lithium batteries are handled with strict compliance to aviation safety and security requirements and industry best practices. Our dedicated Inspection Counter for Dangerous Goods & Lithium Batteries is manned by our professional staff to ensure accepted shipments are ready for carriage in conformance with IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) and IATA Lithium Battery Shipping Regulations (LBSR)," AAT said.


The air cargo terminal operator noted that its Cargo Management System (CMS) also has enhanced functions to help identify suspected undeclared or misdeclared lithium battery shipments during the document acceptance process.


SATS, AAT and PT JAS were conferred their CEIV Lithium Battery certificates at IATA's World Cargo Symposium 2022.


AAT said the certification will remain in effect for two years.