June 1, 2016

Representatives from Chanel Fragrances and Beauté, Ericsson, Marine Harvest RMT, Sandvik Machining Solutions and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries have joined The International Air Cargo Association’s Shipper Advisory Committee.


Self Photos / Files - TIACA Shipper Advisory Committee


“We have representation from a wide range of industries who ship a significant amount by air globally to bring insight into shipper challenges, so that the industry can better collaborate and work towards slicker, safer supply chains,” said Lars Droog, chairman of the committee, and manager of supply chain and general affairs at Tosoh Corporation [right in photo].


The announcement was made at the association’s Executive Summit.


“TIACA represents all sections of the industry and we feel it is very important to provide this platform specifically for shippers to bring their concerns to the discussion table,” said Sanjiv Edward, chairman of TIACA and head of the cargo business at Delhi International Airport [second from left in photo]. “Collaboration is key to ensuring we add value to the industry.”


Separately, TIACA also launched an improved advocacy knowledge bank on its website.


According to TIACA, all information is now sorted by topic, such as pre-loading advance cargo information, dangerous goods, security programmes, e-commerce and market access.


“We want to ensure that we deliver timely, relevant information to our members so that they can be ready for new legislation and take action where necessary,” said Doug Brittin, secretary general of TIACA [second from right in photo].


The association’s three-day Executive Summit was held in Miami, where more than 170 delegates participated in various discussions and workshops, according to TIACA.