APL has introduced a second vessel to its Guam Saipan Express service, upgrading it to a weekly service.


“The enhancement of the GSX service is timely as infrastructure development, tourism and commercial activities continue to build up in Guam,” said John Selleck, general manager of Guam and Micronesia. “Being a trusted US-flagged carrier, APL aspires to actively contribute towards these developments with our container shipping services. The more frequent GSX service will speed up essential cargo shipments from the US mainland to the islands, especially Guam where 75% of her inbound freight originates from the US mainland.”


The GSX service, which calls at Busan, Yokohama, Guam and Saipan, will be operated by the 1,100 TEU APL Guam and the 1,600 TEU APL Saipan. It is scheduled to arrive at Guam just before every weekend.


The first sailing of the upgraded weekly service will be from Yokohama in late December 2016.


“The additional tonnage that APL is injecting into the GSX service demonstrates our commitment to serve the Mariana Islands,” said Selleck. “The 100% frequency improvement of the GSX service stems from APL’s brand promise in delivering service excellence and more.”