Delta Cargo has opened its Cargo Control Center in Atlanta.


According to Delta, the new facility will support daily cargo operations across the globe and covers all aspects of cargo transportation and management, with the ability to track air shipments, trucks, mail and freight, both domestically and internationally.


Self Photos / Files - DL Cargo Control Center


“The new Cargo Control Center is the culmination of our significant investment in technology systems and operation reliability, all with the aim of enhancing the customer experience and ensuring that they are at the centre of everything we do,” said Gareth Joyce, president of Delta Cargo and senior vice president of airport customer service. “Our Cargo Control Center will now know exactly where freight is at all times, anywhere on the globe. With that information, we will be far more proactive in predicting potential service issues and providing freight solutions to our customers, and that really is a game changer in the logistics industry.”


The facility will be staffed by a cross-divisional cargo team from capacity management, warehouse management, trucking, rebooking, unit load devices management, service recovery and call centre operations. The team will be able to view the individual elements of the shipment life cycle and will be able to identify issues before they take place, as well as provide proactive communication and support in case of a delayed or cancelled flight.


The CCC will initially be open during business hours from Monday to Friday but will be a 24/7 operation by the end of the year, according to Delta.