Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) has signed a Cooperation Framework Agreement (CFA) with Dongguan Municipal People's Government to deepen collaboration in facilitating the new intermodal cargo transshipment for the Greater Bay Area (GBA).


In a statement, AAHK noted taht Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) is an international cargo gateway for the GBA, handling about three-fourths international air cargo from the GBA.


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 Source: Airport Authority Hong Kong


"To further enhance the time efficiency and cost effectiveness of cargo transshipment services for the GBA, AAHK is developing a novel model with the setting up of HKIA Logistics Park in Dongguan and a new airside intermodal cargo pier at HKIA," it said.


AAHK explained that with the two new facilities, security screening, palletisation and acceptance for GBA's export cargo could be completed in Dongguan and then shipped seamlessly to the airside of HKIA by sea for direct air transshipment to overseas destinations without the need to undergo security screening again at HKIA.  


50% handling time reduction


When the Logistics Park and the new model are fully implemented, it is expected to reduce operating costs by about 50% and handling time by about one-third.


The statement said further to the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the two parties in 2020 on the establishment on the transshipment model, the CFA signed covers various areas on which the Dongguan Government and AAHK will work together to enhance air cargo services in GBA, and to implement customs clearance facilitation initiatives by Mainland authorities.


With the acceptance by the Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong, all operating procedures were extended from Hong Kong to Dongguan.


All procedures also comply with Hong Kong's air cargo security regulations, with the whole transshipment process under secured conveyance.


The project extends HKIA's cargo services into the GBA, AAHK added.


"The intermodal cargo transshipment initiative is an innovative model aiming to attain unparalleled efficiency in international cargo handling between GBA and Hong Kong. I would like to express my gratitude to the Dongguan Government, as well as relevant government departments in Hong Kong and business partners for their support in making this project possible, enabling HKIA to maintain its role as the number one international air cargo hub," said Jack So, chairman of AAHK.


The project will be completed in 2025.


AAHK said in the announcement that a pilot scheme has been operating smoothly.


Going forward, the scale of the pilot scheme will be expanded with more cargo terminal operators, airlines and freight forwarders taking part in providing upstream services, extension of operations to cover import cargoes.


The CFA was signed in Hong Kong by Lyu Chengxi, mayor of Dongguan, and Fred Lam, chief executive officer of AAHK, and witnessed by Liu Guangbin, deputy mayor and  Yan Jizong, secretary general of Dongguan Municipal People's Government; Jack So, chairman of AAHK; and Lam Sai-hung, secretary for transport and logistics.