A new China-Europe freight train has recently been launched in Xi'an, the capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province.


The service was inaugurated on August 3, transporting photovoltaic components to Uzbekistan.


Chinese state media reported that the train is carrying 50 containers of 20-megawatt photovoltaic components — the first batch of products for a 1-gigawatt photovoltaic project in Uzbekistan.


Xinhua said the project is the first large-scale new energy project implemented by a Chinese enterprise in Central Asia.


For the project, a total of 60 trains carrying approximately 3,000 containers are expected to depart for Uzbekistan via the China-Europe freight train service, the report added.


After the project is implemented, it will provide 2.4 billion kilowatt-hours of clean energy to the local area annually, reducing carbon emissions by 2.4 million tonnes, Xinhua said, citing China Energy Engineering Corporation Limited, the project's constructor.