September 8, 2016

The International Air Cargo Association has appointed Steven Polmans, head of cargo at Brussels Airport Company, to its board of directors.


Self Photos / Files - Steven PolmansAccording to TIACA, Polmans has pledged to continue encouraging greater collaboration across the supply chain.


“I strongly believe that more cooperation between all stakeholders is to the benefit of our industry,” said Polmans. “We are facing challenging but interesting times. Our industry is in need of change, and digitization and innovation must become part of our behaviour and culture. For the past six years at Brussels Airport, I have been committed to bringing the air cargo community together and I am pleased and honoured to join the board of TIACA to continue this work together, with other industry leaders, the TIACA team, and the whole cargo community on a global level.”


Polmans had more than 15 years of experience in the aviation industry and is the chairman of the new Air Cargo Belgium Association. He joined BAC in 2010 and was appointed head of cargo in 2012. He previously worked for GLU4 BV, a logistics marketing specialist, and Aviapartner Cargo, a ground handler.


“Steven’s experience and energy will be a welcome addition to our board,” said Doug Brittin, secretary general of TIACA. “TIACA remains committed to representing all segments of the air cargo supply chain, with events such as our ACF serving as a platform for industry to collaborate, explore new business opportunities, and share best practice.”