February 23, 2017

LUG aircargo handling GmbH has realigned its management team and appointed Wolfgang Voigt, currently operations manager, to head up a newly created department of strategic product development.


Self Photos / Files - Wolfgang Voigt


“Our aim is to strengthen our innovation power so that we can maintain our position of excellence and pioneer in air cargo handling,” said Patrik Tschirch, managing director and CEO of LUG aircargo handling GmbH. “We want to grow again and offer our customers an even more comprehensive service portfolio. We are currently contemplating to expand our activities by accepting more daily routines from airlines such as reservation services and weight & balance calculations. The potential is there.”


Self Photos / Files - Axel van Hees


Axel van Hees will succeed Voigt as operations manager in Frankfurt and will also remain head of aviation security.


Both Voigt and van Hees will report directly to Tschirch.


“I would like to thank Wolfgang Voigt sincerely for his great services in his previous position as manager operations,” said Tschirch. “I look forward to laying the foundations with him for a genuine leap into a visionary future. Axel van Hees has been with LUG for many years and has accumulated considerable knowledge about our operational processes in this time. I am confident that this will be a smooth switch. We will not only maintain our punch but perform even more cost-effectively and powerfully in future.”


LUG is a member of the family-owned Dettmer Group and provides cargo-handling services at Frankfurt and Munich Airports.