May 16, 2017

A newly launched network for independent air cargo general sales and service agents aims to compete more effectively against other major, centrally owned GSSAs.


The new network, called 1GSA, covers Bangladesh, the Czech Republic, India, Madagascar, Mauritius, Pakistan, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Turkey and the UK. A recruitment drive is under way to expand 1GSA’s geographic reach.


1GSA was created by David Lee and Colin Brett, founders of Select Airline Management, and Derek Jones, managing director of Pilot Marketing.


Self Photos / Files - David Lee“There are many highly professional, independent GSA companies around the world,” said Lee, president of 1GSA. “But the modern economics of running a GSA company mean that professional sales and marketing have become unaffordable for many. This provides the major multi-nationals with an undue visual dominance, which we now intend to challenge. With 1GSA, we are providing independent GSSAs with the opportunity to be part of a bigger organization, without sacrificing their treasured independence. From now on, independent GSAs will be able to enjoy the same economies of scale – in sales, marketing and other areas – which drove the formation of the major multinationals.”


Jones will continue to be involved with Pilot Marketing, which will handle all of 1GSA’s marketing activities.


“It may seem strange that I am involved in the launch of the new 1GSA network, but it’s actually entirely logical that this exciting and revolutionary venture should have a marketing man on its senior team,” he said. “Professional marketing is absolutely fundamental to success in air freight, and it’s therefore a core element of the support we are providing to all our members. Membership of 1GSA means they will be able to promote themselves more effectively to airlines, and sell their client carriers’ space more successfully in their home markets.”


Colin Brett, Toni Beato, Jan Grabmueller, Demir Ozeman and Charles Wijesundera have all been appointed regional VPs.


Lee said that 1GSA will work on an exclusive territory basis, and that membership criteria will include proof of financial stability, high standards of service and excellent reputation.


“We will not compromise the image of 1GSA and its carefully chosen founder members by admitting new companies that do not meet our exacting requirements,” he said. “Many will be able to pass our tests, but some will not.”


According to 1GSA, it aims to take the hard work and uncertainty out of appointing GSAs by offering pre-validated members and the option to deal directly with individual members or to control multiple stations through a single 1GSA contract, supported by bank guarantees or CASS membership.


“1GSA is about choice: for GSAs, it’s the choice to become more competitive without losing independence,” said Lee. “And for carriers, it’s the choice of highly motivated local heroes as an alternative to centrally controlled multinationals.”

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