May 18, 2017

The International Air Cargo Association will work with the Indonesian National Air Carriers Association and other Indonesian freight companies to support the country’s air cargo industry, according to executives at the first Indonesia Air Cargo Summit in Jakarta.


Self Photos / Files - TIACA Indonesia


“Indonesia has a vibrant and developing air cargo community and we will be working closely with the industry here to bring TIACA expertise and training to support that growth,” said Vladimir Zubkov [right], secretary general of TIACA. “TIACA is focused on growing membership in the region and we are pleased to meet with our colleagues here to find ways of reaching out to the growing air cargo community here. We are focused on helping the industry to improve and have a number of initiatives around quality and e-freight which we will be sharing with our colleagues here in Indonesia.”


A group of 20 industry leaders is gathering at the summit to discuss topics such as growth opportunities in the region, improving processes using smart data, cargo hubs, security and unmanned cargo aircraft.


“There is a huge opportunity for Garuda to grow its cargo business and we are enhancing our company’s cargo channel distributions,” said Sigit Muhartono, director of cargo at Garuda Indonesia. “We are honoured to support this event and we feel that it would be a great opportunity for us to meet with both domestic and international strategic partners and network with key decision makers at Air Cargo Summit Indonesia 2017. We look forward to collaborating both with industry members that share the same vision regarding operational excellence, particularly in terms of reliability and quality, and also, and importantly, work with TIACA to build this industry.”


Boyke Soebroto [second from right], chairman of cargo flights at INACA, will be working closely with TIACA to develop membership the region.


“We hope that this would be the start of many successful partnerships and cooperation the the ASEAN air cargo sector,” he said.


Indonesia’s air cargo sector grew by approximately 3.5% in 2016, according to BMI Research’s Indonesia Freight Transport Report.

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