March 1, 2018

APL has launched three Asia-Latin America services that will directly connect Asia, Mexico, Central America and the West Coast of South America.


According to APL, the new services are called Condor Express, Falcon Express and Caracara Express.


The CDX service will have a port rotation of: Kaohsiung – Hong Kong – Shekou – Ningbo – Shanghai – Busan – Manzanillo, MX – Lazaro Cardenas – Buenaventura – San Antonio – Callao – Lazaro Cardenas – Manzanillo, MX – Yokohama – Busan – Kaohsiung.

The first sailing will depart from Kaohsiung on April 4, 2018, featuring a transit time of 15 days from Busan to Mexico, 20 days from Shanghai to Mexico and 33 days from Central China to San Antonio.


The FCX service will have a port rotation of: Xiamen – Yantian – Shanghai – Qingdao – Busan – Ensenada – Manzanillo, MX – Callao – San Antonio – Lirquen – Manzanillo, MX – Shanghai – Xiamen.


The first sailing will depart from Xiamen on April 7, 2018, featuring a transit time of 12 days from Korea to Ensenada, 17 days from China to Ensenada, 28 days from North China to Peru, and 33 days from North China to Chile.


The CRX service will have a port rotation of: Hong Kong – Yantian – Kaohsiung – Ningbo – Shanghai – Manzanillo, MX – Buenaventura – Callao – San Antonio – Hong Kong.


The first sailing will depart from Hong Kong on April 17, 2018, featuring a transit time of 16 days from Central China to Mexico and 29 days from Chile to China, according to APL.