May 21, 2018

The International Air Cargo Association has rolled out its redesigned logo and websites as part of its new vision to support the development of an efficient, modern and unified air cargo industry.


According to TIACA, the new logo includes a globe drawn using a 3D version of the kinetic lines in the original version. The final A in the TIACA acronym is drawn as the wing of an airplane, and the colour scheme has been adapted from the original, introducing a stronger shade of blue.


Self Photos / Files - TIACA


The logo reflects the association’s global membership whilst building on a 24-year history of representing, supporting, connecting and informing every element of the air freight supply chain.


“We are entering an exciting new season for the association, building on our experiences and accomplishments with a new value proposition and fresh initiatives from more training to stronger global networking,” said Sebastiaan Scholte, chairman of TIACA and chief executive officer of Jan de Rijk Logistics. “Our new brand identity stays true to our roots, whilst highlighting our new, forward-thinking mission.”


The new logo also appears on TIACA’s redesigned websites, which showcase TIACA’s initiatives and offer a hub for members to connect and access information and updates from the association. The websites include social media feeds, as well as job postings, and up-to-date schedules for TIACA events.


“As we continue to grow TIACA globally and develop new offerings, it is important to have a clear shop window to showcase the association and a user-friendly portal for members to connect,” said Steven Polmans, vice chairman of TIACA and head of cargo and logistics at Brussels Airport Company.


TIACA will be rolling out the new look with members in the lead up to the Air Cargo Forum in Toronto in October 2018.