July 27, 2015

DHL Express has opened a facility in Singapore which is to serve as a centre of excellence for global service quality and business IT activities, and which will host a new global quality control centre.


“Quality is one of the main sources of differentiation in our highly competitive industry, and our quality control centres are a major investment by DHL in ensuring that we continue to lead the international time-definite delivery market over the long-term,” said Ken Allen, CEO of DHL Express. “Singapore has played an important role in DHL’s global network since 1972, as one of our first international markets and a major Asian economy with a strong trade orientation. This was a key factor in the decision to base one of our four global quality control centres and the centres of excellence for global service quality and business IT in Singapore.”


DHL established its first quality control centre in 2007. Apart from Singapore, it also has centres located in Cincinnati in the US, East Midlands in the UK and Leipzig in Germany.


These centres are capable of tracking individual shipments, flights and truck movements in real time. The status of DHL’s delivery network is monitored so that proactive actions can be taken and customers are notified in case of incidents and delays. System-wide issues that affect the delivery process can also be identified and resolved by the company’s global network operations team, according to DHL.