April 24, 2019

The Port of Hamburg has appointed Pan Hua as the new head of its Chinese marketing representative office in Shanghai.


According to Port of Hamburg Marketing, Pan was the previous deputy head and replaces Lars Anke, who has left to pursue a new challenge in Hamburg’s port economy.

The new deputy head will be Michael Wunderlich, who has been active in business in Shanghai and elsewhere in China.


Self Photos / Files - Pan Hua+Michael Wunderlich

“We naturally regret that Lars Anke, who has given valuable service to the Port of Hamburg for more than 12 years in Shanghai and China generally, has now decided to make a change in his career,” said Axel Mattern, co-CEO of Port of Hamburg Marketing. “With Pan Hua a colleague has taken over the Shanghai office, who has years of experience and excellent contacts. In her new function, Pan Hua will ensure the continuity of our work on the spot and going forward be available as contact person for all of our partners, members and customers. With Michael Wunderlich, we have signed on a China insider‚ who will excellently complement the representative office team. The ongoing intensive handling of the Chinese market continues to be of great importance for the Port of Hamburg that, with regard to the development of the Belt and Road initiative, may well increase further.”

The Port of Hamburg’s marketing representative office in China is embedded in the Hamburg Liaison Office, which is run by the Hamburg state government, Hamburg Marketing, Hamburg Invest, Hamburg Tourism, the Chamber of Commerce and Port of Hamburg Marketing.


The HLO also represents these organizations through an additional office in Beijing.