September 17, 2015

CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA (SEPTEMBER 16, 2015) – Representatives of the International Longshoreman’s Association and the US Maritime Alliance (USMX) are optimistic that the two sides can reach an agreement on a new deal at the end of September 2018, avoiding the turmoil that hit US West Coast ports late last year and early this year.


USMX represents ocean carriers and ports from Maine to Texas, covering the US East and Gulf Coasts. The ILA represents longshoremen in the same geographic area.


David Adam, president of USMX, credited both sides for creating a productive working relationship, while speaking at the South Carolina International Trade Conference here today. “We haven’t had a strike or slowdown or any other type of labour issue since 1977. The relationship is in a very, very god place.”


Benny Holland, vice president emeritus of the ILA, said that the union views USMX as a partner. “A lot of people think that USMX and the ILA are enemies. We’re not enemies. We’re partners in moving a product from the manufacturer to the consumer. If we don’t do our job, they don’t need any of us,” he said at the conference.


The conference is organized by the South Carolina Ports Authority.


See the October issue of Asia Cargo News for further details.