April 1, 2020
Terminal 1 exterior_2_small
Hong Kong earmarked HK$630 million relief measure for the aviation industry as part of a new round of HK$1 billion package for the airport community.

Hong Kong Airport Authority (AA) has announced more relief measures for the aviation industry as part of a new HK$1 billion (US$129 million) package for the airport community which has been heavily impacted by the coronavirus outbreak.


Measures for the aviation industry will be worth around HK$630 million (US$81.27 million), according to the statement from the Airport Authority.


"Airlines will receive a full waiver for five months on parking and airbridge fees for idle passenger aircraft, and 40% reduction of passenger aircraft landing charges for four months," the Airport Authority said in a statement, noting that there are more relief measures for airlines covering ramp handling, maintenance and airside vehicle-related fees.


The different measures are effective from February to June 2020.


Cargo terminal services


Part of the relief measure is also the full waiver of commercial service counter licence fees, in-terminal service licence fees, and fees paid by cross-border transport operators for four months.


Rental of offices and lounges in the terminal and franchise fees for aviation support services including aircraft catering, into-plane fueling and maintenance, as well as cargo terminal services will be reduced by 10% to 50% for three to four months.


"With support from the Government, the Airport Authority launched a new round of HK$1 billion relief package for the airport community in view of the continuing impact brought by the COVID-19 outbreak," the statement read. 


The relief package is put together with a government waiver of HK$670 million (US$86.43 million) Air Traffic Control Charges to the AA for the year 2019/20, which will be passed on in full to the airport community, plus a sum of HK$330 million (US$42.57 million) from the AA.


The HK$1 billion measure will also extend a rental relief totalling HK$320 million to airport shops and restaurants paying a fixed rent. 


A total of HK$50 million has been earmarked for providing training allowance to frontline airport staff who are on no-pay leave, with a view to encouraging staff to enhance competencies and skills. 


Sought for more details, a spokesperson of Airport Authority Hong Kong said: "Airport Authority Hong Kong (AA) launched a new round of HK$1 billion relief package for the airport community in March, in view of the continuing impact brought by the COVID-19 outbreak."


"The relief measures include the franchise fees for aviation supporting services, including cargo terminal services, which will be reduced by 10% to 50% for three to four months. Other relief measures for airlines covers maintenance and airside vehicle-related fees."


Earlier relief measure


Before the announcement of the latest package, the AA has already introduced two rounds of relief measures in September 2019 and February 2020 respectively, amounting to about HK$1.6 billion (US$206.41 million).


The measures in the past two rounds include rental concessions, reduction or waiver of fees, among others, providing support to various business partners such as airlines, ramp handlers, retail tenants, restaurants and franchisees.