May 12, 2020

Port of Antwerp said it took an important step in the transition to sustainable, low-carbon alternative energy sources at the port with the establishment of a consortium for the sustainable production of methanol.

 Self Photos / Files - Port of Antwerp (Methanol)


The port said in a statement that the consortium — made up of ENGIE, Fluxys, Indaver, INOVYN, Oiltanking, Port of Antwerp and the PMV (investment company of the Flemish Government) —  will build 'power-to-methanol' demonstration plant to ensure the sustainable production of methanol, an essential raw material used by industry in the Port.


The construction of the demonstration plant at the INOVYN site in Antwerp is scheduled to start by 2022, with the aim of producing 8000 tonnes of sustainable methanol annually, thus avoiding at least an equivalent volume of CO2 emissions.


"Methanol is an essential multi-purpose raw material for the chemical industry, with many applications in wider industry as well. This key raw material is indispensable to the daily operation of the port of Antwerp as the largest European integrated energy and chemical cluster in the region," Port of Antwerp said.


 Currently, methanol is produced using fossil raw materials.


The Port said the 'power-to-methanol' project aims to replace this with sustainably produced methanol, a first for Belgium. It will be produced from captured CO2 and sustainably generated hydrogen.


After the establishment of the consortium to be called 'Power-to-Methanol Antwerp BV' was set up, the Port said the next phase of the project, is securing all the necessary steps to prepare for the expected construction of the demonstration plant.


Port of Antwerp said each partner brings its own expertise to the project


Demonstration plant, good for 8000 tonnes less CO2 emissions


In the subsequent phase, due to start in 2022, a demonstration plant will be built on the INOVYN site at Lillo. The plant is expected to be operational in the same year.


"Future development could see increased volumes made available for wider industry use, including as a sustainable fuel for water and road transport. For every tonne of produced methanol at least an equivalent volume of CO2 emissions can be avoided," it said.


"Our future prosperity will be sustainable, or there will be no prosperity. Innovation is key to tackling climate change. In Flanders, we have a tradition of innovative entrepreneurship and as Port of Antwerp we play a pioneering role in serving as a testbed for technological and sustainable innovation," said Port alderman Annick De Ridder.