June 10, 2020

Hong Kong has announced it is allowing unrestricted exchanges of seafarers in one of the world's major seaports in a move to get crew changes moving again.


The Hong Kong Shipowners’ Association (HKSOA) lobbied that the government permit crew changes of cargo ships without cargo operations following the city's move in April to relax regulations to allow crew changes for vessels in port for cargo operations.


Unlike some other special circumstance arrangements implemented in other ports, the Hong Kong guideline doesn't have quarantine requirements for seafarers coming to Hong Kong to join vessels.


The Hong Kong Marine Department said that only medical surveillance would be required for crew arriving by air for sign-on for cargo vessels, including offshore support vessels.


“Today, we are very pleased to see that the HKSAR Government has taken our advice to further relax the arrangements so that with immediate effect, crew change of cargo ships without cargo operations is also allowed,” said Bjorn Hojgaard, chairman of HKSOA.


Seafarers at the end of their contracts onboard vessels entering Hong Kong for crew changes only but not for port operation will be required to stay on their vessel until they are can be transported directly to the airport for repatriation to minimize local contact. 


Meanwhile, seafarers in coming to Hong Kong will also be required to board the vessels immediately to reduce contact.


Hojgaard noted the importance of shipping to combating the coronavirus and said other governments should follow suit in the Hong Kong initiative.


“Once again, as a leading maritime centre, Hong Kong has set a very good example. We hope other governments will follow. Shipping is indispensable for the world to win this battle against the virus,” he added.