December 14, 2020

Cargo behemoths FedEx and UPS have started shipping the first batch of the coronavirus vaccines for distribution across the United States following the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine.


Both logistics company started the delivery on Friday, and stated that they are both prepared and ready to handle shipping the sensitive cargo.


“Vaccine distribution is a key part of moving our world forward by delivering what matters,” says Carol Tomé, CEO of UPS. “We have dedicated and hardworking people around the world who have been trained to store, handle, transport and deliver vaccines. We’re pleased to support our healthcare partners with smart, efficient logistics for these vaccines that will protect communities and save lives.”


UPS said it will move the vaccine from storage sites in Michigan and Wisconsin. The vaccines will then be transported to UPS Worldport facilities in Louisville, where they will be expedited Next Day Air to select destinations, including hospitals, clinics and other medical facilities, to inoculate healthcare workers.  


“This is the moment of truth we’ve been waiting for at UPS,” says Wes Wheeler, president of UPS Healthcare. “We have spent months strategizing with Operation Warp Speed officials and our healthcare customers on efficient vaccine logistics, and the time has arrived to put the plan into action.”


The Pfizer’s and BioNTech’s vaccine, which secured the FDA emergency use authorization (EUA), is the first to be deployed in a months-long global race to develop safe vaccines to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus.


FedEx Express begins vaccine transport


FedEx Express also announced that operations are in motion to transport its first shipments of COVID-19 vaccines.


"After months of preparation and close planning with Pfizer, other healthcare companies, and federal and state officials, the first COVID-19 vaccines will move to dosing centers in the United States. Vaccine distribution will be balanced among major cargo carriers, and FedEx is working closely with healthcare customers to prepare for additional vaccine shipments and transportation of critical vaccine-related supplies," it said in a statement.


FedEx noted that its network is well-positioned to handle COVID-19 vaccine shipments around the world with temperature-control solutions, near real-time monitoring capabilities and a dedicated healthcare team to support the express transportation of vaccines and bioscience shipments.


“This is among the most important work in the history of our company, and we’re honored to be a part of the effort to help end this pandemic,” said Raj Subramaniam, president and chief operating officer, FedEx Corp.


“I am immensely proud of our dedicated team members who continue to go above and beyond to help ensure the safe movement of these critical COVID-19 vaccines, especially during our busiest holiday shipping season to date,” he added.


FedEx noted that transporting COVID-19 vaccines is the next phase of its ongoing efforts to support pandemic relief around the world.


“We are one of the few companies with the global network and capabilities to keep critical supply chains moving during this unprecedented time,” said Don Colleran, president and chief executive officer, FedEx Express. “Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, FedEx has delivered more than 55 kilotons of personal protective equipment, including more than two billion face masks, and more than 9,600 humanitarian aid shipments around the globe.”


To help reach underserved communities with the COVID-19 vaccine, FedEx said it has committed US$4 million in cash and in-kind transportation support to several nonprofits serving communities in the US and around the world.


“This is undoubtedly a historic feat not only for vaccine development but also expedient deployment,” says Mike McDermott, president, Pfizer Global Supply.


“We know that agile, world-class logistics is critical to get our products where they are needed.”