April 30, 2021

Port of Rotterdam, Europe's busiest container port, saw its throughput increase by 3% year-on-year in the first quarter mainly attributed to increases shipments of biomass, coal, mineral oil products, and TEU containers.

In a statement, it reported that the volume of freight handled in the port of Rotterdam in the January to March period totalled 115.8 million tonnes — setting up a new step in its recovery from the decrease in throughput in 2020 as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Port of Rotterdam said the most pronounced increases were seen in the volumes of biomass (+36.7%), coal (+25.2%) and mineral oil products (+19.7%) put through Rotterdam.


The port’s terminals also handled a substantially higher number of containers (+4.5%).


Meanwhile, volumes declined in the segments LNG (-26.8%), agribulk (-8.6%) and other liquid bulk (-2.8%).


In the containers segment, the port noted that the number of TEUs handled rose by 4.5%. When calculated on the basis of this standard unit, container volumes rose as a result of stronger demand for consumer goods. But when measured in tonnes, container throughput showed a modest decline (-0.7%) due to an increase in the number of empty containers, and on the other hand, by a lower average weight per loaded unit, the port noted.


Challenge ahead due to Suez blockage


"Generally speaking, the increased throughput volume in the first quarter paints a positive picture. Nevertheless, these remain turbulent times for companies working in trade and logistics. At this point, the main challenge we are set before is handling the aftermath of the Suez blockage in terms of logistics. The Port of Rotterdam Authority is doing its utmost to support its clients – among other things by offering real-time surveys of ETAs at all the port’s deep-sea terminals," said Allard Castelein, CEO of the Port of Rotterdam Authority.