April 30, 2021 - 2021-03-15T172651.372

Drewry’ reported that the global container port throughput index fell month-on-month in February, although it was up double-digits compared to the same period last year, the time when the initial Covid-19 outbreak in China had started to impact global port volumes. 


In a statement, the maritime research firm said the port throughput index worldwide fell to 122 points in February 2021, 11.3% lower than in January 2021. However, the index was 12.5% (13.5 points) higher compared to the 108.5 recorded in February 2020.


All the regions reported declines compared to indices seen in January 2021, except the throughput index for Africa. Nonetheless, all regions except Africa saw higher numbers compared to the February 2020 level.


Throughput per region


Drewry said the Chinese Port Throughput index dropped almost 22% in February 2021 compared to January 2021 as a result of the usual Chinese New Year factory shutdowns, together with the ongoing impact of global port congestion which is disrupting carrier schedules.


Year on year, however, the index stood more than 25 points (27.9%) higher than recorded in February 2020.


"The scale of the initial impact of the COVID-19 crisis and strength of the recovery is shown in the exceptional annual growth reported across the largest Chinese ports, with Shanghai volumes up 1.1 mteu (48%) in February 2021 compared to February 2020. Similarly, throughput at Shenzhen was 0.9 mteu (73%) higher year on year, and Ningbo reported an uplift of 0.6 mteu (40%)," the report said.


Asian throughput index — except China — also fell 4% to 126.2 points in February but was it was 8.5 points (7.2%) higher than reported in February 2020.


South Korean ports reported strong year-on-year growth, with combined throughput up 0.3mteu (13%), led by strong performances at Busan and Incheon.


In Southeast Asia, Malaysian ports were the standout performers with aggregated throughput increasing 0.25mteu (12%) in February 2021 compared to February 2020. In contrast, volumes in Singapore — where the number two busiest port in the world is located — were down 0.6% over the same period.


The maritime research firm noted that the index for the Middle East and South Asia also reported a 4% fall on a monthly basis, dropping to 128.8 points in February 2021.


Year on year, the index is also up 3.5 points (2.8%) compared to last year, with South Asia driving growth.


"From our regional sample, the privately-owned Mundra port reported the largest increase, with February 2021 volumes up by over 0.1 mteu (28%) compared to last year," Drewry said.


The North American index continued its downwards trend, dropping a further 13 points (8.5%) in February 2021 compared to January 2021. Ongoing port congestion issues have continued to temper throughput growth.


Nonetheless, the west coast ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach reported total combined throughput of 1.57mteu in February 2021, 45% (0.49 mteu) higher than in February 2020. Overall the North American index stood 13% (6.9 points higher) than in February 2020.


"The European Port Throughput Index dipped just 3.9 points (3.3%) on a monthly basis, a strong performance given that February is the shortest month," Drewry said, warning, however, that the resurgence of the virus in Europe, with continuing lockdown measures, has continued to put a brake on economic recovery and the index was just 1.2% higher on an annual basis.


The Latin American index declined by 3.8 points (3.1%) on a monthly basis to 119.7 in February 2021, which is 7 points (6.1%) higher than the level reached in February 2020. 


The Oceania Port Throughput Index fell 10.9 points (7.8%) to 129.1 but was 16.7 points (14.9%) higher on an annual basis due to strong volume growth across the Australian ports.


"The throughput index for Africa was the only region showing positive growth on a monthly basis, increasing 13.9 points (14.9%) in February 2021. However, it is the only region where the index in February 2021 was lower than in February 2020. The index is however is based on small sample size, and figures should be viewed with caution," Drewry added.