May 6, 2021

The Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP)said it has issued more than 95,000 electronic certificates — including Transitory Certificates (CT's), certificate of course endorsements, proficiency certificates, and endorsements of proficiency certificates — since going online.


In a statement, it said the issuance of certificates and documentation of seafarers, in electronic format is a firm step towards its push for modernization and digitization of its processes.


"[We are] offering customers a service of quality, efficiency and expeditious, which maintains all the security measures required to guarantee its validity, in addition, the administrative processes and the immediate delivery of this technical documentation to the seafarers who are on board Panamanian flag vessels are streamlined," AMP noted.


The process was first implemented on November 11, 2020.


The electronic procedure will also generate annual savings to the State of approximately 102,000.00. Similarly, it said some certificates and documentation continue to be issued in the form printed on security paper.


"This new method of issuing certificates online has been well accepted since, in addition to facilitating the process and reducing the response time to the client, it fully complies with the verification, notification, and implementation processes established," AMP said in its statement. 


It added that it also ensure that the documents issued by the AMP have a unique tracking number as well as a quick verification code (QR Code) that will allow both seafarers and inspectors, streamline the processes of obtaining and validating the document.


"In addition to the advantages at an economic, operational and sustainability level, the adoption of this new technology is part of a strategy focused on a paper-less culture by benefiting the environment by reducing the impact of the use of paper," AMP further said.