June 3, 2021

Shipping lines are dropping calls at Yantian port in South China as more rigid Covid-19 restrictions result in port congestion.


Maersk issued a customer advisory on June 1 following an update on the latest Covid-19 related impacts to the Yantian Port operations in the Greater China area. 


"Due to the increase in Covid-19 positive case counts, all operations in the western area of Yantian International Container Terminal have been suspended until further notice," the shipping line said. 



It noted that Yantian International Container Terminal (YICT) yard density remains elevated with disinfection and quarantine measures being continuously implemented by local authorities to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. 


"We expect continued terminal congestion and vessel delays upwards of 7-8 days in the coming week," it added. 


In an updated advisory on June 4, Maersk told its customers that the situation has worsened.


"The situation continues to deteriorate as more positive Covid cases have been confirmed in Shenzhen where Yantian port and Shekou port are located and in Guangzhou where Nansha port is located," Maersk said. "We continue to closely monitor the situation and are doing our best to mitigate the impact on your supply chain where possible."


It added that in Yantian port alone, due to further measures being implemented, increased congestion and vessel delays upwards of 14 days are expected.


Nansha port traffic congestion could also take 9 hours for empty container pick-up and laden container gate-in, it added.


"All operations in the western area of YICT have been suspended until further notice," it said. 


MSC and Ocean Network Express (ONE) also said earlier that they are dropping calls at YICT for now due to the situation.


The situation was prompted by a spike in the number of Covid-19 cases in Shenzhen and at the port — that also pushed yard density at a high at YICT.


Maersk also noted that berth productivity was around 30% of normal levels.

"A number of Covid-19 cases had emerged at the port last week, and tightened health and safety measures have been rolled out by local authorities," MSC said in an advisory on June 2.


"The overall operation productivity at YICT has been adversely impacted, and we expect the current vessel berthing delays and port congestion situation will likely continue for at least a week."

Due to this, MSC said it was omitting a number of calls at Yantian. 


Singapore-headquartered ONE said in a separate advisory: "Due to the disruption in Shenzhen, we regret to inform you that several vessels will be omitting their usual calls at the terminals of Yantian or Shekou to minimize schedule disruption."


ONE said on June 2 that it will omit 12 calls by vessels from THE Alliance at Yantian and two more which had changed to call another port.